Food Rules, Diets, and Love

An Online Program for Women Who Want to Find Peace with Food, Dieting and Body Image Obsession

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And Then She Shines Presents...

An Online Program for Women Who Want to Find Peace With Food, Dieting and Body Image Obsession

This is a course in freedom where we actually use our unhealthy relationship with food and our bodies to become more awake and alive.


Hi, I’m Linda Leland, one of the cofounders of And Then She Shines.

I’m about to turn everything you think you know about dieting upside-down.

I’ve worked in the field of Nutrition for most of my life. Healing people through food was my great passion. I knew everything! I studied all 100 nutritional modalities (and I tried most of them too). I studied, obtained degrees and certifications, taught at hospitals and large corporations and I had many private clients. I was, in every sense of the word, an expert.

Although I had a thriving practice, a few years in I became really discouraged. Despite all of my knowledge, all of my love and desire to genuinely help women overcome their struggle with food and weight, most all of my clients weren’t finding lasting results that would stick. I knew something big was missing.

Now, I set out on a new mission. I wanted the truth. I wanted cold hard statistics. Which “diets” cause people live well into their 90’s? Which diets cause people to die at an early age “before their time”. Do people who exercise 90 minutes per day live longer than couch potatoes? Why do we find it so difficult to stick to diets and make healthy food choices? Do skinny bodies last longer than chunky ones? What’s so great about being thin anyway? Are thinner people happier or more lovable? What’s actually going on here?

Here's what I've discovered:

We’ve been sold a false bill of goods. The reason why you’ve struggled with it for so long is because it doesn’t work. It keeps us unhealthy and unhappy and creates a pervasive, systemic sense of shame and guilt that is toxic to the body and mind.

It only perpetuates a dysfunctional relationship with food. It has done the exact opposite of what it has promised. We’ve been swindled by a barrage of conflicting information fueled by marketing and competition. If you’ve “failed” in the diet world, it has absolutely NOTHING to do with your lack of willpower. There is no weakness on your part. It’s a total trap.

Not only is it a trap but it has single handedly caused us to fall-in-hate with our miraculous bodies that deserve our utmost respect, gratitude and love fueled attention. Try that for a while and see for yourself how your body responds.

The only reason you feel trapped is because you haven’t questioned what you’ve been told.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that we shouldn’t take great care of these temporary and brilliant bodies we’ve been given, but the whole dieting mindset is completely counterproductive.


What is the real formula for success?

Here it is:

Once you begin to break free from your old emotional food patterns of guilt, shame, deprivation, promises and let downs that have been playing on repeat and instead, learn to fall in love with yourself and your body, as is, you’ll see for yourself that happiness and healthy choices just come naturally.

Fear and self-hate are the most toxic ingredients you could ever bestow upon the body. It will never respond kindly. Shameless and radical self-love and appreciation heals. This is the magic pill you’ve been looking for. Without a doubt. Guaranteed.

A healthy state of mind will naturally result in a healthy body. Always. The end.

The thing is, you’ve got to stop fighting first. If it was possible to diet or criticize or judge your way out of this, you would’ve done it by now. Do you see that? Just by your recognition of this, you open yourself up to a whole new freedom and power to move into something greater.

This happens when you treasure who you REALLY are and stop mistakenly believing that the best version of you is the thinner version. You have completely forgotten who you are. And once you set aside the fears and lies that have become your inner critic, I promise you, the real you will rise up and take its place. That’s how it’s done and yes, it’s that simple.

Here’s an opportunity for you to make the decision and the commitment to be on a different journey than the one you’ve been on. But first you must admit that the way you’ve been in relation to food and your body has been a block to living in peace and joy. It has not served you.

Somewhere you know this but you’ve been too afraid to let go of the old way.

If so, this program is for you.

It’s time to broaden your view. Diets are old-school. Dieting is dead.

This is a 5-week program for women who are ready to live beyond the constraints of their inner critic and show the world, show our daughters, what beauty is really all about. This is not for the self-proclaimed conformist. It’s for those who are ready to break through society’s limited, superficial and empty rules about health and beauty and get REAL. You’ll learn what it means to be truly healthy and vibrant. (And it is absolutely opposite of what diet industry tries to sell you).

Time to come out and play with the big girls-where beauty is measured by your level of joy and the Love that shines out of your face!

It’s for those of you who decide that absolutely nothing else will do.

At your core, there is a self-love that has been calling to you for years. That inner feeling that “there’s got to be something more”.

It’s the magnificent you tapping you on the shoulder and asking if you’re ready for her. Without reconnecting with this part of you, you’ll never feel satiated. Struggles with food and body image are merely a symptom of this blocked love and can now be used as a powerful tool to become reacquainted with the bigger part of you.

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"I have never felt this amount of self-love EVER! Linda, your beautiful expression helped me in opening my heart to this body like never before. God bless you Linda."

Kath Menegon

"The modules have been life-changing, and so much more than a mere program about food rules. The excitement and empowerment that you model is SO contagious."

Diane Gorman

"Linda Leland saved my soul!! Through her enormous positive attitude and knowledge towards food and our bodies, for the first time in my whole life I really like myself! Linda is a constant support through this journey and she changed my life!!"

Janice Portlock


  • This is not a program about weight loss, although that will naturally happen for many of you. But certainly not with the same thought system you’ve had up until now. You’re going to start using food and your current body image as a tool for radical self-love and acceptance.

  • Your story won’t change until you change your mind. This course is about entering into a whole new thought system. You’ll need to be willing to set aside everything you think you know and have the courage to heal from the inside out.

  • Inner Freedom is the new skinny. It starts when you eliminate the idea that you need to be different and become super-focused on rocking the healthiest, happiest version of yourself, AS IS.

  • You’ve got to be cool with being unique. To be curious about the real you and not perfect.

  • You’ll be encouraged to stop identifying yourself only as this body because body-identification will always keep you miserable. Part of this course is about changing how you see yourself.

  • Set a brand new goal for your relationship with food and your body. Your “struggle” is actually an invitation to show you who you really are. You’ll find the gift beneath your repeating patterns and learn what this came to teach you.
  • You’ll discover that you already have everything you need to fall in love with yourself now. There’s nothing more to wait for. You can stop striving for different version of yourself. That’s mean. Without your intentional intervention, you could keep repeating that self-abuse for another 20 years or maybe 20 more lifetimes.
  • You’ll begin to break free from your old emotional food patterns of guilt, shame, deprivation, promises and let downs that have been playing on repeat.
  • You’ll begin learning how to make food choices based on love instead of fear, bring joy back to cooking and enter into a whole new attitude at mealtime. Eating well does NOT have to be hard.
  • You’ll see the healing that happens when you relate to your body like a best friend.
  • You will re-gain faith in yourself and won’t be afraid of failing yourself again.
  • You’ll come to know that feeling beautiful is your job. Nobody else’s. No more looking for it. You came here to feel confident and fabulous. From now on, you get to decide if something takes you off course.
  • You’ll shift your focus to becoming the happiest and most irresistible person you know. Now that’s sexy. Inner joy is drop dead gorgeous. Knowing your worth is hot, no matter what size you are.
  • There’s nothing more you need to strive for. You’re already a magnificent piece of God’s artwork. It’s just been covered up by the training of this world. Uncovering you is not some serious heavy spiritual journey. It can be done with patience, light heartedness and fun.
  • You’ll watch in amazement how the natural decisions you make when you love your body will be healthier and easier than any decisions you’ve ever made while hating it. IMPORTANT: Until this happens, any behavioral changes will always be short lived.

"Of all the things I have ever done, this 5 week course has been the most profound and wondrous adventure I have done. For me the worksheets, practices and all of it just resonates with me. As someone who has been overweight (60-80 lbs) almost all of my life I have never seen such progress, especially mental, that translates to physical as this."

Rebecca Johnson

"This program has so many wonderful modalities! There is something here for everyone! Aha after Aha with every module. I thought, "another course do I really need to"? I have never looked back. It took two aha moments for me and I am FLYING. Linda is so authentic!!!! Also her money back guarantee says it all!"

Karen Tyndall

"Like many women, I have tried just about EVERY diet out there and, like many women, I kept signing up for the next miracle "diet cure”. By the time I reached out to Linda, I was physically exhausted, mentally dispirited and still fricken ravenous! That was 4 years ago and I can honestly say, I haven’t dieted since! That’s right, no more diets for me baby! :D

Linda’s approach is radical because it isn’t a diet! It’s a LIFE changing, LIFE style you can live for LIFE! The reason why diets don’t work permanently is exactly why Linda’s approach does. Just the word “diet” sounds like a punishment. With Linda’s guidance and wisdom, I got life changing tools. I’ve learned that it’s not about restricting what I put in my mouth but more about ingesting the truth about my body and the gift that it is.

Today, and finally at the age of age of 53, I have found a love and acceptance of my body that I don’t remember ever having (well, maybe not since Age 8)! I love how I feel today and I can sincerely say that I love my body! I am heathy mentally and physically and my body is thriving. No past diet protocol has EVER given me that! Linda’s program has given me a love of food and a love of life but, most importantly, Linda’s program has given me a joyous love of self!

Forever grateful to Linda for her life-changing wisdom, guidance and love!"

Tracy Holsapple


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"I met and began working with Linda after I had retired and had discovered the my Cholesterol level was elevated. My doctor was insisting the I needed to be on Statins. I was resisting.

Linda coached me though a process of cleansing my body, mind, and spirit. She taught me how to love myself, and life in general. I learned how to cook with Love, eat with Love and to live Love. Love is all there is.

In a nutshell, my life changed completely in ways too numerous for this short testimonial.

In the space of 3 months I dropped 30 pounds with out even trying, and my cholesterol dropped 30 points. No crazy exercise or dieting. Just a complete change of thought around all of it. While I believe that walking away from a stressful occupation helped, it was largely due to the expert Loving coaching that I received.

This woman is an expert in all things nutrition and the Love of life and self. My recommendation would be to pay attention when she speaks, and follow her guidance if it resonates with you."

Al Austgen

"I did The Spiritual Weight Loss Method program. I followed the protocol and went to Kohl’s for a few things and my body has changed so much I thought I was still a size 16 but it was a 12!! It doesn’t even matter now!! Wow, what a change Love does!!"

Terry Wagers

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts on Thursday, March 21 2019 and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.

"This course has been amazing. I would recommend it to anyone! I've made more progress than I ever thought I could or would.Thank you so much. I am eternally grateful for you both and this program. So happy to continue on this journey with you!!!"

Paula Labossiere

"Linda Leland quite literally saved my life! Seems over stated, right? After a diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis I was in a dark place physically, mentally and emotionally.

I made an appointment to meet with Linda and it was during that meeting, as she cried with me in her office she made this promise: "I need 6 months" she said, "I need 6 months to figure out how you work and if you give me your faith and trust, I will give you your life back".

he changed my life that day and continues to do so almost 9 years later. Linda quite literally has saved my life and I love her dearly for it!!!"

Melissa Deignan

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"Your videos are so much fun! It’s like Christmas morning to open a new one up. You are just what I’ve always needed. I want to have more fun with this bod in this moment now. I just love you."

Mary Farrell

"Very simply put and most important, Linda emanates love. As part of my life journey I have been very fortunate to have worked with Linda in both individual and group coaching situations. Her love, insight and vast experience with nutritional and life coaching have provided me with so many tools and experiences to more deeply love and take care of myself. She knows her stuff and is one amazing woman!!"

— Paula Gould